Sunday, September 2, 2012


Dedicated JAF volunteers called Chair Corps Representatives collect used wheelchairs across the United States and transport them to Restoration Shops where carefully trained inmates in sixteen separate correctional facilities around the country restore them to like-new condition. 

The inmates learn to work together, perfect basic mechanical skills, and produce a product of which they can be proud. Hardened inmates have been moved to tears when they see the happiness in a photo of the face of a little boy or girl receiving a wheelchair of their very own. 

180 of these wheelchairs were delivered to the GAiN Distribution Center in Lancaster County, PA which operates year-round to receive, process, pack and ship aid to needy places around the globe.  


GAiN shipped the wheelchairs overseas several months ago to meet up with our team of short-term missionaries to distribute them in Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine, September 6-16, 2012.


A wheelchair is a greater gift than gold to the disabled in an underdeveloped country who otherwise face a lifetime of isolation and confinement.

Our team of seating specialists and wheelchair mechanics will custom fit the wheelchair specifically for each recipient and train him or her in wheelchair use and upkeep. 



Our support and evangelism team members give each recipient a Bible and communicate the message of God's love for those affected by disability.


As a recipient of the love of God in action, many place their trust in Christ. 

They experience new life and purpose with their new mobility . . . and disability ministry grows all over the world.

Thank you for reading our team blog.  We would be very grateful to have your partnership in prayer for our Wheelchair Outreach in Ukraine.  Please check this site frequently or submit your email address on the side bar to the right to receive our blog updates over the next few weeks.

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